Glitz and Glamour Gala 2024 by North Fresno Rotary
Come have a fabulous evening of exquisite food and wine at the beautiful Fort Washington Country Club, and dance the night away to the Marie Wilson Band at one of the glamourous events of the year - The Glitz and Glamour Gala! Together, we will have fun - all while raising funds that go back to our local community.
Our Mistress of Ceremony is none other than the lovely Sontaya Rose, Director of Communications for the Mayor's Office and former ABC30 Celebrity! Also joining us that night will be the wild and energetic, Freddie Silveira who will be auctioning off luxurious international getaways and unique, once in a lifetime packages.
This is an event you do not want to miss. It was a sell out last year, and we expect the same - SO BUY YOUR TABLES EARLY!