Hebraic Institute Gathering
We would love to have you join us on Saturday, April 13th at 6:00 pm for our Spring Hebraic Institute Gathering. We will share a meal together and testimonies as to all the Lord has done this throughout this semester. This gathering is for our current students as well as students from last semester. Spouses are welcome. We are asking everyone to bring a dish so if you will please register at the link below. We are looking forward to being together and celebrating as one!
Please let Toni know if you are bringing a meat dish or a veggie dish to share with the group. Desserts and drinks are provided. We will gather at the home of Dan & Hollye Farmers on April 13th at 6pm. Their address is 101 Brookview Lane in Helena. This is an event celebrating all that L-rd is doing through the Hebraic Institute. Childcare is not provided. Click on the link below to register.